Add detection of account guid in the url when behind apps proxy
3.3.5 - 27th of November RB
Added language variable to vm.AUTH_URL in platformHeader controller.
3.3.4 - 26th of October TF
Base account guid position on .host() as a function.
3.3.3 - 26th of October TF
If app runs through the apps proxy, check for the account guid on a different location in the URL (because of a different convention).
3.3.2 - 10th of October RB
Added more strict url checking on CM platform convention:
The second part of the URL should always be the language.
The third part of the URL should always be the entity ID.
Added favorites menu.
3.3.1 - 12th of September RB
Fixed font-size.
Fixed piwik tracking issue where nothing was tracked because of Angular.
3.3.0 - 6th of September RB
Added piwik tracker.
Removed google tag manager, since it was only used for piwik, which has it's own tracker now.
Fixed issue where the platform header tried to translate organization and account names.
3.2.0 - 31th of August RB
Updated the translation service with the newest js version.
Updated node-sass to newest version (node 5+).
Added translations for platform apps, with isolated scope: platform-apps.
3.1.2 - 31th of July RB
Removed duplicate cm-icons font loading.
3.1.1 - 20th of July RB
Fixed small css issue with account name in top right.
3.1.0 - 18th of July 2017 RB / PEv
Added new logo.
Fixed small css issue with select account dialog on screens between 550px and 920px.
3.0.3 - 11th of July 2017 RB / JWR
Changed productaccount to logicalaccount for cmoogle search.
3.0.2 - 26th of June 2017 PEv
Fixed search icon in Cmoogle search and added a clickable button.
Added productaccounts cmoogle search for switch account popup.
3.0.1 - 19th of June 2017 RB
Fixed an issue when the CMAuthentication cookie is not available or incorrect the LOGIN button wasn't shown.
Fixed an issue with employee aps not showing up when an employee hasn't selected an account.
Added extra information at customer apps when no account is selected.
3.0.0 - 13th of June 2017 RB / PEv
Refactored apps-header to work with apps for account instead of apps for person.
Changed package.json, added devdependenices and replaced most of the packages to there.
Added extra check on query string parameter account ID for account GUIDs.
Removed disabling of organization/account titles to make sure they're always selectable.
Fixed bug where account type property was incorrectly filled.
2.12.1 - 11th of May 2017 RB
Added cachebust querystring parameter for installed apps call.
Updated translation service javascript to latest version.
2.12.0 - 18th of April 2017 RB
Added getAccount to productAccountsFactory.
Added lastName property on identity object.
Updated fullName property on identity object.
2.11.1 - 10th of April 2017 RB
Updated to latest translation-service.min.js.
2.11.0 - 17th of March 2017 RB
Added translations.
2.10.3 - 10th of March 2017 RB
Added action link on CM logo to redirect to welcome page.
2.10.2 - 7th of March 2017 RB
Added PersonPreferences to IdentityFactory.
2.10.1 - 2nd of March 2017 RB
Changed cmoogleSearch to work with the new Cmoogle.
2.10.0 - 18th of January 2017 RB
Changed tryPostSelectedAccount to POST an organization ID (instead of getting just the organization name from CRM) when applicable.
2.9.2 - 10th of January 2017 RB
Fixed 404s on apps call when user was not logged in. No need to do call apps when no logged in user is available.
Fixed invalid identity call when getCookie returned undefined instead of null.
2.9.1 - 9th of January 2017 RB
Added longTouch to as-sortable for mobile devices to start dragging after x amount of time.
Added google tag manager.
Removed hotjar.
2.9.0 - 7th of December 2016 RB
Added: Organization flow when the url contains an int instead of guid.
Added: Organization/account information is also available when the return-url attribute contains the [organisationID] placeholder.
(compared to 2.8.0 where they were only enabled when product-account-type was set.)
2.8.1 - 5th of December 2016 - RB
Fixed: Invalid html attributes.
Added: ReloadApps listener which listens to the 'ReloadApps' broadcast.
2.8.0 - 25th of November 2016 - RB
Added: Sorting of apps.
Added: $broadcast for menu toggles, dragStart, dragEnd and appsLoaded.
Added: New attribute, "do-not-track" to disable all third party tracking on the site.
Added: SelectAccount() to product accounts factory to redirect to select account page.
Updated: Font-awesome to 4.7.0.
Updated: AngularJS to 1.5.8.
Updated: Angular-cookies to 1.5.8.
Updated: Apps are retrieved from the database instead of a JSON.
Updated: Productaccount factory now only posts when a GUID is present in the URL.
Fixed: CSS issue where icons and text in the app menu were incorrectly shown (part 2).
2.7.9 - 22th of December 2016 - RB
Updated: AngularJS and AngularJS Cookies to version 1.5.10.
2.7.8 - 13th of December 2016 - RB
Fixed: Added ?forced=true to make sure the select account page is not redirected straight away.
2.7.7 - 14th of November 2016 - MvT
Fixed: CSS issue where icons and text in the app menu were incorrectly shown.
2.7.6 - 20th of October 2016 - RB
Changed: GetCurrentSession: Removed $q.reject and replaced it with return currentSession.
2.7.5 - 19th of September 2016 - RB
Fixed: Better overview in customer and employee apps.
2.7.4 - 29th of August 2016 - RB
Fixed: Issue when the URL guid was invalid, the header showed "No organization/account selected" even when the user had one selected.
2.7.3 - 8th of July - RB
Fixed: Issue where set current account on the fly failed because of unknown organisation GUID.
Added: WithCredentials: true/false to all $http platform calls.
2.7.2 - 7th of July - RB
Added: New CDN icons.
2.7.1 - 28th of June 2016 - RB/TF
Fixed: Issue where using a bookmarked URL still showed the selected account instead of the bookmarked one.
Added: Switch account on the fly when using a bookmarked URL.
2.7.0 - 16th of Juny 2016 - RB/MvT/PEv
Fixed: CSS margin issue on iPhone 6.
Added: ReturnURL, language and productAccountType attributes on platform header directiv. Used for the Change account URL in the accounts dropdown.
2.6.1 - 7th of June 2016 - RB
Fixed: Bug where "No account selected" and "No organization selected" weren't shown.
2.6.0 - 26th of April 2016 - RB
Added: Selected productaccount implementation.
2.5.0 - 12th of April 2016 RB
Updated: Angular and Angular-cookies from version 1.4.7 to version 1.5.3.
Updated: Font-awesome from version 4.4.0 to version 4.6.0.